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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is honey good for? Good quality honey does not have a shelf-life. They actually found honey buried with the Pharaohs that was still good!

  • Why does my honey have some solid-looking mass at the bottom? That is called crystallization and is a natural process that only happens to raw honey that has not been pasteurized. Learn more about why honey crystallizes here

  • So what do I do with my crystallized honey? You can either enjoy it as a crunchy treat, spread it over toast, or warm it slightly so that it will return to a liquid state. Honey is considered raw as long as it has not been heated over 105 degrees Fahrenheit. After all, the bees keep the temperature inside a toasty 93 degrees!

  • Yes, we get stung. A lot.

  • Bee venom (as long as you are not allergic) actually has numerous health benefits and has been used in Apitherapy for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

  • Bees cannot see in the dark, therefore they only fly during the day. This is why we try to move bees in the dark so that we have them all present.

  • We do not keep all our bees on our property, we move them around to where the type of flowers bloom that cause the different flavors of honey.

  • How do we move our bees? With a skid-steer tractor and a flatbed truck.

  • It is not harmful to swallow a small amount of honeycomb. It has some very beneficial health properties, especially in treating the common cold.

  • The bees that are generally seen outside a hive are called Worker Bees and are all female. They have a barb on their stinger which causes it to become stuck into whatever they sting, causing the bee to die. This is why bees tend to only sting if threatened.

  • Drones are the male bees and their sole purpose is to mate with Queen Bees from other hives during whats called a "Mating Flight." Sadly, the Drones do not survive after this highly important task.

  • Queen Bees are different from Worker Bees as they have fully developed ovaries giving them the ability to lay eggs that will one day become more bees.

  • Workers Bees generally only live about 6 weeks. Queen Bees can live up to 5 years.

  • Raw, local honey can help seasonal allergies by causing a slow, safe ingestion of the antigens that cause the allergies. This helps our bodies become more tolerant of them.

  • The different flavors of honey come from different flowers' nectar.​

  • All honey flavors are a mixture of many different types of plants and flowers. The main flavor is based on the most potent nectar or the majority of the nectar that is present.




Please contact us if you have any questions of your own, we would love to answer them.




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